Racing to the Finish Line
Hebrews 12:1 So let us run the race that is before us and never give up.
I would imagine that every momma and every daddy of a public school student finds themselves, at this moment, in a "season of running." Whether you choose to lace up running shoes and go for a jog or not, today's fast-paced life means that we are all runners. In the month of May, we race to the end of a deadline, and most of us are running on empty.
In 2007, I became a runner .... a runner who laced up my shoes, awoke at early hours, wore a "bib" during races and searched for the finish line of every race like one searches for the last piece of chocolate candy in an almost empty bag! Just for the record, I can rarely find my sunglasses. However, I can find the last M&M, the one I saw 5 seconds ago, in record time. Recently, my son and I ran a 5K. More specifically, I should say he "sprinted" a 5K, and Momma Vaughan "jogged" to catch up. There are many lessons of faith woven into the path of every runner from the start to the finish line.
Psalm 133:1 Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! On a running course, one's soul relaxes as he/she gazes around and sees the beautiful sight of everyone moving in a forward, fluid motion together. I don't believe we were ever called to do this crazy thing called "life" alone. Life is hard, unpredictable and overwhelming. As we travel through life, it is an amazing feeling to be surrounded by others.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now. Every cheerleader along a race course matters. When a spectator calls out one's bib number and shouts words of encouragement, a runner can feel his/her entire heart smile and the burden of the next mile ahead dissipate. Throughout our spiritual journeys, we are truly called to support one another. When someone near us does not have adequate strength, we need to provide them with the strength, support and love to move keep going.
Jeremiah 31:25 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Along a race course, water stops have tremendous importance. You cannot keep running unless you provide your body with liquid nourishment along the way. I have learned the hard way that one must pause or slow down to grab the water on a race course. Grabbing the cup, while in complete motion, simply does not work. On a daily basis, we all need the refreshment of our Almighty Father. Spiritual refreshment will not happen unless we stop, slow down, and drink His living water.
1 Timothy 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men. When I ran my first race with my dad, I stared in amazement as he said the words "thank you" to every policemen we passed. At every intersection, my dad locked eyes with the policeman and made sure he knew the depths of his appreciation. As we race through life, we need to give thanks, along the way, for our blessings. In the entryway of our home is a sign that reads, "There is always, always, always something to be thankful for." May we identify the "something" in our lives every day and give thanks to our amazing God.
Philippians 3:14 I run toward the goal, so I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize God offers because of what Christ Jesus has done. There is no greater sight, at the end of a race, than a finish line. A finish line with large colored balloons floating in the air is even better. In a race several years ago, I remember my amazing running buddy inching closer to me suddenly. With little hesitation, she screamed out loud, "Oh my word!!! Do you even see the balloons?" Oh how we all long for the prize at the end! Our spiritual journeys have days in the valley and time on the mountaintop. Thank you, Jesus for the gift of everlasting life ....a prize at the end of our journeys that is greater than any of us can begin to imagine.
Continue to race towards your finish line. Whether it is a project deadline, a graduation, the end of a school year....pace yourself. Surround yourself with others. Encourage one another. Stop for refreshment. Give thanks, and keep your eyes fixed on the prize. Amen.
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