Stay in the Light

"'Cause even when there is no star in sight, You'll always be my only guiding light." - Mumford and Sons

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5

Rocky, my sweet dog, is a creature of great habit and routine.  Every night, by the glow of a night-light, Rocky sleeps in his comfy bed with a froggy pillow.  His days are typically spent basking in the warm sun somewhere in our backyard.

Several days this past week, Rocky could not be outside.  The construction workers and landscapers occupying every ounce of his space disrupted Rocky's routine.  With each passing hour, it seemed his location inside changed.  By mid-afternoon, he now occupied a room primarily reserved for bed time.  As the darkness of a cloudy, dreary day fell over his space, Rocky became more and more convinced it was night time.

Therefore, at 3:00pm, when I opened the door and took him for a walk, Rocky had every intention of eating next.  In his mind, it was time for breakfast!  He barked, he growled and I'm pretty sure some of the sounds he made were bad words in doggie talk!  In the unexpected darkness, Rocky became disoriented and lost focus/direction.

The circumstances and events in the world around us seem to be growing darker.  Even if you don't follow politics closely, we all know the difficulties and despair dominating the news today.  Natural disasters and an unsettling lack of control leave us feeling breathless/helpless.  In that place or those spaces of darkness is never where our Almighty Father intended for us to park our minds.  You and I know, with great certainty, that the circumstances of our own lives can hang over us like a dark cloud.  In the shadows of darkness, we can become further lost and disoriented.  How do we cope in seasons such as this?

I believe, time and time again, our God of grace and peace encourages us to simply stay in the light.  Gaze at the world around you with a childlike wonder, and take note of your blessings.  Begin to write down the reasons your heart can celebrate and give thanks.  As Max Lucado writes, "Focus more on what you do have and less on what you don't.  What you have in Christ is greater than anything you don't have in life."

Recently, after Bible study, I sat in my car and returned messages from earlier in the day.  A heaviness lingered in my heart.  So many beautiful people I know find themselves in valley seasons of life.  As I stared out the window, I noticed the steeple of our church framed beautifully against the blue Texas sky. Thank you, Jesus for gentle reminders to pause, look up and give thanks.  Amen.


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