His Labels...
Everything that we have - right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start - comes from God by Way of Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinthians 1:30
Recently, our sweet dog Rocky spent some time at the animal hospital. He boarded while we were out of town, got all caught up on his shots and earned a new label. His manila folder, once coded with the word "Rocky," now had 2 words. Next to his name, in bright red ink, appeared the word "alert." "Rocky Alert" took me by surprise. This new word also caught the front office staff by surprise. One of my favorite receptionists said, "I wonder why it says that on his chart now." After a little investigating, we both learned Rocky no longer likes anyone to "mess with him." I can relate! He's difficult while getting shots, and others need to be aware of this. Labels change how we feel about one another.
When I was an elementary teacher, I never enjoyed receiving the permanent records of a new group of students as the school year began. Oftentimes, I would wait over 6 weeks before reading the entire contents of the students' records. I wanted to see each child through a new lens. I loved the simple idea that every precious child deserved a fresh, new start. Labels change how we feel about one another.
I will be very honest in admitting I don't watch the news very often; however, I did tune in more frequently this past week. A harsh reality hangs like a darkness over our present day culture. As a society, it has become commonplace to define people by their pasts. No matter the present goodness in a person's character, we find it necessary to view him/her through a lens of the past. Dear Lord baby Jesus, I don't know about you, but I would much prefer my friends, family and acquaintances to keep close to their hearts my "2019 self." I, like so many of you, have worked hard to become the person I am today. My past scars are an integral part of my story; however, they don't define me. They never have, and they never will.
Perhaps one of God's greatest gifts to all of us includes His beautiful labels woven throughout scripture. What might happen if we looked at one another through a Godly lens? What might we see? There exists something so pure and refreshing about His labels: "children of God," "a chosen people," "all one in Christ Jesus," "raised with Christ" and "redeemed."
Today, what labels do you use to describe those around you? How do you label yourself? Put the lens of the past aside. Focus on today. Celebrate this beautiful truth: God created your whole being. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Praise Him for the best labels of all …. the ones He provides. Amen.
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