A Leap of Faith...

"I could be safe here in your arms and never leave home,
Never let these walls down.
But You have called me higher, 
You have called me deeper,
and I'll go where You will lead me Lord." 
-All Sons and Daughters

I will never forget the overwhelming excitement that stirred in my soul when I began writing my blog in January of 2018.  From a place of true humility, I began to share my life through a lens of grace, peace, hope and thankfulness.  Every week, I became more overwhelmed by God's willingness to use me as a vessel of His teachings.  When I began this journey, I never expected, that 16 months later,  my writings would have been viewed over 26,000 times!  Sharing my faith, amidst everyday messes, has blessed my life beyond measure.

As time passed, God's gentle nudge encouraged me to stand before beautiful groups of women and speak about the adventures of Momma Vaughan, a woman running fast (and sometimes clumsily!) after Jesus.  On 3 separate occasions, I spoke, I shared the message He laid on my heart and life seemed complete.

Then, I began a new Bible study by Priscilla Shirer.  The Armor of God  caused me to wake up in the middle of the night with new ideas and a dream.  This study made me ponder what I, crazy Momma Vaughan from Colleyville, Texas should do next.  The answer has been so convicting.  I believe with all my soul that He, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith, desires for me to take a leap of faith in my writing.  I am dreaming and preparing for the next step to be a book. 

I wish I knew all the details.  I wish I knew the specifics of every chapter.  Yet, there is something so beautiful and glorious about knowing that He has it all figured out.  I believe Momma Vaughan just wrote about that recently! As He prepares me to be a messenger of His love to a larger audience, I believe it is my job to take the first step of obedience.  Indeed, this … I have done.

As I begin to devote my time to this new project, I want to extend grace to myself.  I recognize that writing a weekly blog, alongside my book, may not be feasible.  Know, with great certainty, that I hope to continue pursuing my blog.  When I am able, posting will happen on Monday.  I remain a true creature of habit!  There are no words to define my gratitude for all those who have loved me through this writing journey.  I hope you will join me in prayer for this next step of faith in my life and know how deeply this family of readers continues to bless Momma Vaughan! 


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