It's Not Going According to My Plan....

Proverbs 16:9  In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

Momma Vaughan is a planner.  I planned to graduate from college exactly four years after I started high school.  I planned to begin working on my Master's degree exactly two years after I started teaching, and I planned to start a family right after I finished all of my degree work.  Everything seemed to go according to my plan.

This summer is a season of life when I just can't plan.  I recognize another momma might be reading this right now and saying to herself, "Honey, you aren't supposed to plan in the summer!"  Bare with me...Momma Vaughan's struggle is real!  Just sit back, and say to yourself, "Bless her heart."  The "planner in me" would love to plan our next family trip to East Texas, but this is a challenging work season for my husband.  He only knows his schedule a few days ahead.  I would love to plan each day in a "sensical" way with accurate time slots, but my son has just started running high school cross country.  They have no coach, and there is no official plan in place.  Every day's practice looks a little different from the previous one.

On a recent trip to a location in Dallas I had never visited, it was necessary for me to use my car's navigation system.  I sat back in complete amazement as a pleasant voice led me from one freeway to the next, provided me with just enough guidance for the next step and corrected me when I wandered off the path.  On this particular day, the path was perfect...for me.

That trip to Dallas caused me to pause and reflect.  In my quest for excessive planning, I have missed the true joy of "living in the moment."  I have forgotten that our souls have a navigation system, and God is our spiritual compass.  Every day, He guides us.  He leads us down the right paths, providing us with just enough light for the steps we're on.  Most importantly, He gently guides us when we wander astray.  Thank you, Jesus for this miraculous reality.

In the past few days, my son had the joy of listening to a man practice Amazing Grace on his bagpipes.  The man practiced in a church parking lot near our house, and my son happened to be riding his bike through the neighborhood.  I had the privilege of buying lemonade from a precious group of children raising money for their own bounce house.  In this sweltering Texas heat, I found their efforts to be extraordinary!  Finally, I had unexpected time to write in the comfort of my air-conditioned car when my son's cross country practice went longer than anticipated.  All of these were beautiful moments of time...precious pockets of peace.  None of them were planned.

Momma Vaughan has a new appreciation for the small moments, the moments that unfold because a plan does not exist.  Are you tired of the daily grind?  Are you tired of the same schedule?  Stop. Do something unplanned.  Wait patiently to see glimpses of God's grace and peace.  Celebrate His beautiful presence.


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