Which Way Do I Go?

Proverbs 4:11  I am guiding you in the way of wisdom, and I am leading you on the right path.  

My lakehouse, nestled in East Texas, is very hard to find.  Tucked away in a neighborhood of winding roads, our property seems hidden.  Some of the residents around us have mailboxes.  Some don't.  The rural addresses don't follow any particular pattern.  In the 10 years of lakehouse ownership, Google maps has thrown many off course.  Instead of leading you straight to Momma Vaughan's long gravel drive, Google maps will direct you into the "secret back entrance" of our neighbors a few doors down.  No worries...our neighbor will come out to greet you.  With great sternness in her voice, she will point you in the right direction.  After she learns everything about the passengers in your vehicle, you'll be on your way!  Thankfully, through the years, we have learned that anyone can find our house with 3 simple instructions: 
1. Follow the winding road.
2. Stay near the lake.
3. Look for the tall, red A-frame house resembling a barn.  That's us!

Recently, we repainted our house.  We traded the bold red-barn color for a softer green-gray tone.  This small change, in a gossipy neighborhood, caused a large reaction.  Some neighbors came by daily to admire and talk about the progress.  Others gathered in the middle of the street to discuss the possible reasons behind the change.  On a recent trip to our lakehouse, one neighbor stopped and told my husband, "Now, I don't know how I'm going to give people directions to my own property.  I would tell everyone, when you get to the red house, keep going straight.  You're headed in the right direction."

We depended on that red color.  Our neighbors depended on that red color to guide others down the right road.  That red color created a tapestry of security along a winding, confusing path.  Today, are you dependent on God for giving you direction in your own life?  The dictionary provides synonyms for the word dependent such as "relying on," "counting on," and "sustained by."  Are you relying on God to help carry you through a difficult season?  Are you counting on God to help you discern the next step to take in making a hard decision?  Are you sustained by His security along what can oftentimes be a winding, confusing path of life?  As a young child, how comfortable and natural it is to grasp the hand of a mother or father.  A young child relies on the hand of his/her parents to lead him/her down the right path.  As adults, depending on our Heavenly Father means surrendering control over all aspects of our lives.  To give up control stirs feelings of discomfort and angst throughout one's soul.  

This year, as my daughter moved 12 hours away from home, a greater dependence on God has preserved my sanity!  The day she began her new college journey in Alabama, I realized this momma could no longer see her daily steps or affirm, with my own eyes, the direction she chose.  My prayers each day reflect the countless ways I have relied on God to direct her path.  It is so easy to convince ourselves, "I've got this!  I don't need any guidance.  I'll be fine without directions."  For all men reading this, all women know you've DEFINITELY GOT THIS, and you never needed Google maps anyway! 

I love the words of Jesus Calling that echo our daily dependence on Him.  I am leading you, step by step, through your life.  Hold my hand in trusting dependence, letting Me guide you through this day.  With child-like trust and wonder, grasp the hand of your Almighty Father.  Follow His lead.  Stay in His presence.  Look for the countless ways He will create a pathway of blessings along your journey.  


  1. Wow, love this! So appropriate for each and every day, both for ourselves, but also when it comes to releasing our children...thank you!


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