His Solution...

Come to Me, and rest in My peace.  My face is shining upon you, in rays of Peace transcending understanding.  Instead of trying to figure things out for yourself, you can relax in the presence of the One who knows everything. - Jesus Calling

We are the owners of a new tv.  Actually, I should use the right adjective in describing this incredible addition to our family room.  It is a "SMART" tv.  As the friendly Best Buy folks unloaded the box off the truck, they reassured me we would have "no problems" with the initial set-up.  Then, they waved and drove away.  My husband and I are smart people.  We have college degrees.  I have 2 degrees which naturally makes me smarter than him.  We are not as smart as the "SMART" tv.  After a significant amount of time had lapsed, my husband pronounced, "You're going to have to call somebody!  I don't care who!"  Clearly, the initial set-up was something we couldn't figure out.  Yes, we had even taken the plastic sleeve off the owner's manual!

By the next day, all was well.  My smart man experienced victory at a late hour the night before.  Everything was sunshine and rainbows until I touched the remote.  Oh I had no trouble finding my channel.  However, on the way to NBC 5, I discovered many settings.  It was not very smart of me to change a few of them.  By the time my family arrived home that evening, one newly installed feature caused great irritation and chaos.  Every time someone changed the channel, adjusted the volume or breathed too loudly, a high-pitched voice bellowed a million facts about the previous action.  She spoke fast, and she had too many words.  Once again, we huddled in the family room, absorbed in a problem with no immediate solution.  As the hours passed, I learned I might not have access to the remote..like...ever again.  I was so thankful when the smart men in my home figured out how to uninstall my new custom settings.  Those voice commands annoyed me!

We spend so much time, every day of our lives, trying to figure things out.  Sometimes, it is something so trivial as a new tv.  Other times in life, we encounter circumstances that leave us shaken, breathless and overwhelmed.  A medical diagnosis, a sudden death or unexpected journeys in our lives oftentimes simply cannot be figured out.  I wonder how often we have all allowed our minds to spin out of control searching for a solution.  The solution seems out of reach.  Our frustrations continue to grow.

In these past few weeks, I have focused on embracing this simple truth:  You and I were made for so much more.  I love the words above from Jesus Calling:  "Instead of trying to figure things out for yourself, you can relax in The Presence of The One who knows everything."  Praise God for this beautiful reality!  This week, as you gaze at the days before you, practice the beautiful art of relaxing in His presence.  Spend time reflecting on His Word...the only owner's manual that matters.  As you pause, be still and know.  Know, with great certainty, that your Almighty Father can and will figure things out on your behalf.  The solution is in His reach.  Amen.


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