From His Perspective...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Late last week, I decided it would be a good idea to "peak" at our renovation project upstairs.  I waited until all the workers had left, unzipped the paint tarp and walked up the stairs very carefully. My visit was uneventful until I noticed my precious feet, inside my cute shoes, seemed to be stuck in a puddle of wet paint on the floor.  In the process of wiggling my feet free, I tapped the edge of a wet cabinet propped against the wall.  Did I mention it was one of 10 cabinets?  As the first one fell, the others moved in a unique domino fashion.  I'm so thankful I worked tirelessly to prop them all back up.  My fingerprints, molded into each one, would be so special to the painters when they arrived the next morning.  Moments before I went to bed, I prepared a "cabinet confessional" e-mail for our construction manager.  As soon as I hit "send," a wave of fear came over my entire being.  This thought truly crossed my mind:  "He's gonna' kill me!"  By the next morning, I breathed a huge sigh of relief after reading this response: "You did a number on those cabinets, but we can fix it!"

The same day of my cabinet catastrophe, my dog Rocky started running through the house in a panicked fashion.  He moved from room to room, hopped on/off furniture and exhibited complete discontentment.  His normal space and place of comfort in our home remained covered in a layer of dust.  Moments later, Rocky's entire being relaxed when he found his favorite blanket hanging on the back of a different chair.

Last night, I had one responsibility as the 7:00 hour approached.  I needed to help my sister by letting her sweet puppy out of the crate for a while.  I drove to her house and parked in the driveway.  At that precise moment, a Texas thunderstorm approached.  The heavy rain and howling wind were only the beginning.  As large hail fell from the darkened sky, I parked quickly inside the garage.  The next several minutes were a blur.  Sadie darted out of her crate, ran into the backyard, leaped through every mud puddle and jumped excitedly on every square inch of my white pants.  I'm so thankful for how well spring storms in Texas and spring colored-clothing go together! As that crazy puppy leaped for joy, I looked down at my shiny sandals.  Those shiny sandals brought a smile to my face.  After all, my feet were soaking wet, but they were free!

It is hard, in our day-to-day activities, to keep every aspect of life in perspective.  How do we maintain a healthy point of view when our feet become firmly planted in paint, our normal place of comfort is unrecognizable and the storms of life rage all around us?  I am continuing to learn that we cannot do it alone. I am continuing to learn that I cannot lean on my own understanding.  Scripture commands you and me to acknowledge our Almighty Father. In those sacred moments, He will make our paths straight.  When you gaze into your week ahead, what elements of your life are hard to keep in perspective?  From your point of view, what do you see?  Pause. Breathe. Remember His promises.  Trust in His provisions.  From His perspective, all is well today, tomorrow and forever more.  Amen.


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