Be An Encourager!

Proverbs 27:17 “You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.”

In Momma Vaughan’s home, it has been a season of “decluttering.”  As we prepare for some extensive remodeling to begin next month, getting rid of “stuff” has been a necessity.  I’m not sure I would ever consider myself a “hoarder”; however, a careful examination of the lovely items I have kept and stored away over the years has been frightening.  It was in this process of sorting, reorganizing and trashing that I came across an award.  In the center of a small badge were 3 letters: “NOW.”  Framing the outside of the circle were 3 words:  "Nimitz Outstanding Writers."  I would love to share with you, over a cup of coffee, the beautiful award's ceremony at Nimitz High School when I jumped out of my chair and walked to the podium, anxious to accept this fine award.  There are a few problems.  Grab a cup of coffee and allow me to explain.  I don’t remember this award.  I don’t remember the glorious presentation of this badge.  However, there are beautiful memories that I do remember.

I remember the gentle words of my 8th grade English teacher as she encouraged our class in writing letters to WFAA news.  Only a day earlier, we had come to school devastated by the media's coverage of the Challenger space shuttle disaster.  I remember the joy on Ms. Tucker’s face when she told us, behind tears, that our words mattered, and the Channel 8 news anchors invited us to visit the news station.

I remember one of my high school English teachers who would smack her gum VERY LOUDLY when editing my papers.  It seems like Ms. McMeans had her own private arsenal of red pens, and my papers suffered at the mercy of every single one of them!  Yet, in what seemed like a truly magical moment, the gum smacking would stop. The heavenly angels would sing, and we would celebrate a job well done. I remember every encouraging word she spoke and her passion for making me a better writer.

We live hectic, busy lives.  Oftentimes, it is hard to look beyond ourselves.  However, His word clearly encourages us to sharpen one another.  Every English teacher, every red pen and every encouraging word prepared me for this season of my life…a season as a writer.  As I reflect over my journey through school, one truth remains:  all the “stuff” didn’t matter.  The words, the encouragement, and the love showered over my soul mattered then, and it matters even more today.  As we journey through our day-to-day activities, we seem to have circles of people with whom we have the pleasure to simply “do life.” Reflect over your circles of influence.  Evaluate who needs sharpening.  Reach out to them in a meaningful way.  Recognize that your love, your words, and your actions have the power to transform their souls.  Celebrate sharing His light with the world.  Amen.


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