Dare to Dream...

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. - Proverbs 16:9

Over a year ago, a beautiful member of my church congregation approached me and said, "I would love for you to consider doing some writing for our spiritual formation page."  Though I felt honored, the idea terrified me.  I spent many years teaching 4th grade students how to write a perfect paper.  Why in the world would I consider revisiting this part of my past?  Writing would be hard.  It would be time consuming, and what if no topics came to my mind?  What if I had to do one of those bubble diagrams of ideas, and all the bubbles were empty?  Yet, I heard God's gentle whisper and writing began.  I discovered the process of organizing thoughts on paper calmed my heart, soothed my soul and brought me pockets of peace.  

In the next few months, another sweet soul in my world said, "You really need a blog."  I've been told about a lot of things I really needed over the years (more chocolate and less exercise are not on that list!), but a "blog" was a new one!  Within a matter of days after that conversation, "Momma Vaughan's Messes" became my new writing platform.  Over the past year, my blog has been viewed over 24,000 times around the world.  The number of readers in Russia has been on the rise.  When I consider this reality, gratitude overwhelms me.  It is my greatest prayer that through my writing others will find His grace, hope, peace and love.  The simple truth that 2 people believed in me and encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone is a gift for which I will always be grateful.  Thank you, Jesus.  Now, my neat, tidy life feels complete.  I will strive to write a weekly blog and life shall be grand.  Right?!?!

Then, God nudged me again.  As I write this, I am preparing to speak at a women's event.  I think we'll need to laugh.  Laughter is ALWAYS good for the soul.  I think we'll need to fellowship.  Women REALLY need one another to navigate through this crazy thing we call life.  Most importantly, I think we'll need to spend time resting in the arms of a Father who ALWAYS, ALWAYS determines our steps in life.  Praise God.

Today, where are you planted?  Is your heart and soul aligned with His will?  Do you have margin in your life to hear His gentle whisper or feel His uncomfortable nudge?  The whispers and nudges become the true soul-strengthening steps of one's spiritual journey.

This past week, while visiting with a group of my close friends over coffee, I began to explain an idea, a dream stirring in my soul.  In those moments, I decided to take notes and organize some of our dialogue in my phone.  Without hesitation, I titled my notes, "2019 Dare to Dream."  I'm not sure what's next.  For the first time in my life, I'm ok with that.  My heart believes each nudge and every whisper represents the work of an Almighty Father who will continue to lead me down His path.  Oh how praiseworthy are God's abilities to reshape our souls!  Are you willing to be transformed?  Linger in His stillness.  Open your heart. Allow Him to direct your next steps.  Dare to dream.  Amen.


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