There IS a Difference...
"Let's pursue a walk with God so close that the spotlights of this world-be they for us or against us-are eclipsed by His enormous shadow cast on our path." -Beth Moore
"Breathe deep. Remember, Jesus is still Lord." - Randy Wild, Interim District Superintendent
I have often wondered, if one could interview my past and present pets, what would those little doggies say? Once, our family owned a beautiful cocker spaniel named Coco. The financial, mental, and emotional costs of raising her were astronomical. I would imagine, if interviewed, Coco might offer these words: "Time after time, I truly capitalized on my momma's stupidity. I mean how many times would she leave expensive leather purses, gorgeous leather shoes, gum and chocolate readily available for my consumption? In the end, my cuteness won. I mean, I was cute right?"
Rocky, our sweet rescue dog, would likely state the following, "My mom is like really cool, but there are 2 days every so often when she deserves the BEST DOG MOM ON THE PLANET AWARD! Those are the days when the dry food like disappears, and canned food (manna from heaven) reappears! #bestdaysever! Once, I thought of hiding my dogfood bag, but that's mean. Ya' know, I'm adopted, and I just don't wanna' rock the boat. Wait...are you recording this?"
Indeed, this dog momma has mastered the "fine art" of always having food readily available for Rocky, even when the bag is empty. One must always keep canned food in short supply for those days when the bag runs out, and you have no desire to visit the pet store! I must admit that I have never consumed dry or canned dog food, (Thank you, Jesus!); however, I can confirm there IS a difference. Rocky's increased tail wagging and heightened sense of excitement, the moment he hears the familiar sound of the can opener, suggest canned dog food IS better. There IS a difference.
I do believe as one reflects over his/her spiritual journey, he/she will remember moments spent high above the mountain tops and unexpected time in valley seasons of life. However, one truth remains. There IS a difference when we lean on God. There IS a difference if we allow Him to carry us when we simply cannot take the next steps on our own. Every Wednesday, I am blessed to study the Bible with an amazing group of women. For many years, we have simply weaved our way through this crazy thing called "life" together. This is a challenging season for our group. Our hearts remain heavy for the sisters among us battling health issues and familial circumstances that seem overwhelming. However, I do know this. There IS a difference when we cry together, pray for one another and lean into His word. There IS a difference when we present our vulnerable selves before Him and admit, "I cannot do this alone."
Where are you, today, in your spiritual journey? No matter where you find yourself, pause. Breathe. Align your heart and soul with God. Rest in His presence. Allow Him to provide you with glorious pockets of peace. Celebrate this beautiful reality: There IS a difference. Amen.
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